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Find out More about African Popular Culture

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The popular culture of Africa is a result of everyday life. It is largely informal and non-canonical. But its uniqueness, dynamism and authenticity make it distinctive. Here are some ways to learn more. Learn more about Highlife music and Griot music.

Documentaries about African dance

Documentaries on African dancing are a great way of learning more about the dances from Africa. Many of these films focus on the history and culture behind African dances. Some of them explore the dances of Africa in different settings. One documentary recounts the story about a Swahili beach dance festival. Another document looks at the world and life of a Sierra Leonean ballet dancer.

Highlife music

Highlife music, originally from West Africa, is a popular African genre. It started in the cities and spread to the country after World War II. The genre was primarily played by guitarist bands at the time. E.K., one of the most recognizable solo artists and groups was one of these. Nyame recorded over 400 highlife records.

denver pop culture con

Griot music

Griot music is an African-rooted traditional form of music. This is a popular type of music that is played on a traditional instrument, usually a harp. It is usually performed in groups and has a rhythmic nature. Popular music was first explored in the 1960s. Acoustic and electrical ensembles began to include folk rhythms as well as traditional instrumentation during this period. Koo Nimo in Ghana, Francis Bebey from Cameroons, S. G. Rogie in Sierra Leone are just a few examples. Toumani dibata, Mali's musician, has created popular music that incorporates western and griot instrumentation.

Djely mousso

Djely Mousso is an important musical form in many African countries, particularly Guinea and Mali. The music is inspired by the traditional music of the 'griot' indigenous families. The song is particularly popular among urban Flytaal youth.


African popular culture musicals are a booming business in the continent. The continent's current top-selling musical is Fela’s Republic & the Kalakuta Queens about the legend Fela and his band. This production has been seen across Africa, including Pretoria and Cairo.


There are many uses for masks in African popular cultural. They are often made of wood, but some are also made from light stone such as steatite. Some can be made of metals such as copper and others are painted. Others are made using natural pigments and colorants. They are also decorated with ornaments, such as animal hair for the beard or straw for the brows.

pop culture trivia for teens


Stories of African Popular Culture explores contradictions and the complexity of African popular cultural life. This volume includes topics ranging from popular literature to oral tradition to film, music, and dance. Popular culture is both localized and global in Africa, and includes both foreign and native elements.


Why is pop music so popular?

Pop music is very popular because it's fun! It makes you feel happy and gives you a great sense of freedom. Pop music allows people to be free from any limitations and think about only themselves. They don't have worry about what people think. This is why pop music is so loved. People love songs that make them happy. Listening to upbeat music can help you get out of a slump. You might even find yourself singing along. Pop music has been immensely successful over the years.

How do I use pop culture in my marketing strategy?

Understanding pop culture trends is key to understanding how to incorporate it into your marketing strategy.

Let's take, for example, the promotion of a new movie. What type of promotion can you do?

You can create a trailer by using clips from your film. You could even find a clip that features one of your products or services and includes it in the video.

Another option is to create a parody trailer using clips from other movies.

If your product or service is closely related to the movie's themes, you can create a campaign that follows the film's storyline. For instance, if the movie is set in outer space, you might want to advertise a product that helps astronauts stay healthy while traveling through space.

Promotions could be run based on the plotline if you have a business that is related to the movie's themes. If your company sells food products, you might offer customers free samples if they buy tickets to the movie.

How can we avoid falling prey to the temptations of pop culture?

We must first recognize when pop music is influencing our lives. It is important to recognize when pop culture influences us. Then, it is crucial that we do not allow ourselves to be influenced. These are some ways to avoid bad influences.

  • Avoid watching violent shows like Game Of Thrones.
  • Do not spend too much time on the Internet. Instead, learn from books.
  • Pay less attention to television. Spend your free time on healthy activities.
  • Be cautious about what you write online. Remember that you can never delete comments once they've been posted.
  • Be sure to verify that the websites you visit have SSL encryption. Before you submit personal information, make sure they are checked.
  • Don't allow anyone to pressure you into dangerous actions.

Talk to an adult to help you if you find yourself addicted to pop music. You can either call your local library (800-THELOOST), or the National Center For Missing & Evacuated Children (1-808-THELOOST).

What are some positive aspects of pop culture?

Pop culture isn't all bad. Pop culture gives people something to talk. It allows people to express creativity. Pop culture can be used by artists to promote their works.

Pop culture has the greatest quality, in my opinion. It brings people together. Everyone wants the same show. Everyone listens to the same music. And everyone likes the same movies. Pop culture allows us to connect.

Problem is, not all pop culture has the same health benefits. There are films that glorify violence. Some programs on television make fun of those with mental disabilities. Some bands also encourage fans to take drugs.

So what do we do when pop culture has negative aspects?

We should try not to allow pop culture to influence us. It shouldn't be allowed to influence us. It can pose a threat to our health. It can even lead criminality. It can even impact our relationships.

Pop culture should be considered as a way to help or hinder society. Is it promoting good values? Are people being persuaded to do evil things?

Let's not forget to ask ourselves if our world is fulfilling. Do we enjoy the music that we listen to? The TV programs we watch What clothes are we wearing?

If we care about our future, we must take responsibility for our actions. We must decide the world we want. We can then choose the right pop culture.

What is pop-media culture?

Pop culture is all around. Pop culture is everywhere. It is all around us 24/7. It has an impact on everything: music, clothing, language and politics. What is pop culture exactly? Wikipedia states, "Popular Culture (or Popular Culture) is the mass production of ideas and products for mass consumption." This term is often used to refer to TV shows, movies and music. However, there is much more to pop culture than just entertainment. Pop culture refers to everything that's consumed by the masses. This includes fast food and video games as well as toys and clothing.

How did pop music come into being?

It was an accident. The first song was written by mistake when someone accidentally knocked over a piano while playing around on New Year's Eve in 1920.

The recording company liked what they heard and decided to release it as a single.

This became the first recorded hit single.

Since then, pop music has become the most popular form of musical entertainment today.

What are some examples from pop culture in 2020?

The music industry is changing rapidly, and this year we saw artists such as Billie Eilish, Post Malone, and Travis Scott all reach number 1 on Billboard's Hot 100 chart. This was an extraordinary feat for any artist.

This is also true for streaming services. Spotify reported that they streamed 10 billion hours of audio content in the last year. It's 5x more than the content users were listening to five years ago.

This has caused a significant shift in media consumption. People now spend most of their time-consuming content rather than creating it.

Everybody, from babies to old age, can now listen to high-quality audio content. Anyone can record, edit, mix and release their music.

To play your favorite song, it doesn't matter if you go to university to study classical instrumentsation. You can download an app, add voice and upload to YouTube.

You don't have to be a musician, but you can watch others make it. You can find countless channels that make videos of songs, from parodies to covers.


  • According to CNBC.com, “more than 70% of the film's revenue came from countries outside the US” (https://www.cnbc.com/2019/01/08/aqua...nal-sales.html, ret. 8/18/19). (socialsci.libretexts.org)
  • [17][18][19]Definition[edit]According to author John Storey, there are various definitions of popular culture. (en.wikipedia.org)
  • In 1987, US films captured 56% of the European film market. (socialsci.libretexts.org)
  • Latinos represent roughly 19% of the U.S. population. (npr.org)
  • According to Dictionary.com, popular culture, or low culture as it is sometimes referred to is comprised of the “cultural activities or commercial products reflecting, suited to, or aimed at the tastes of the general masses of people” (7/21/19). (socialsci.libretexts.org)

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How To

What is pop culture you can access via media technology

We are all surrounded by popular culture. It's everywhere: books, movies, music, television shows, video games, social networking sites, etc.

Popular culture influences our lives. Our daily routines are influenced by what we see on TV, read in magazines, listen on the radio, and hear at concerts. We watch TV shows, shop, socialize with friends, visit parties, find people online and surf the Internet.

But just because something is popular doesn't mean it's good for business.

Here's where media technology comes in. They give us tools to help us access popular culture in a manner that connects us with consumers.

Media technologies can be used to:

  • Content about products and/or services
  • Engage audience members with the actors, comedians, and authors they love
  • Promote brands and business
  • Advertising
  • Track consumer trends

It is important to become familiar with popular culture in order to improve brand awareness, customer loyalty, create leads, and attract more customers. You can do this through media technologies.


Find out More about African Popular Culture